Get involved Who to write to

If you want to fight this development please take the following actions:

  1. Join the Save West of Ifield Facebook Group to stay up to date with the campaign news.

  2. Write to people in power – particularly Horsham District Council – to make your views known.   

    • Unfortunately templated letters won't work but do have a look at our objections page for inspiration.

    • Please see next column for addresses. 

  3. Write to local newspapers – West Sussex County Times, Crawley Observer, etc.  We aren't getting the same amount of coverage as other developments in the area – so we need to step it up quickly.  Please see next column for addresses. 

  4. Sign these petitions. This is much less effective than letters but ‘000s of signatures is useful evidence for the consultation process.

Everyone should write to Horsham District Council. 

If you’re a Horsham resident then address it to your ward councillors – addresses here: HDC councillor addresses and copy in all Horsham councillors - copy and paste list below.

If you are not a Horsham resident then address it to the Council Leader – currently Martin Boffey

Everyone should then copy in:

Plus if you’re a Crawley resident then also copy in:

Write to the papers

Copy to all these addresses:

Objection Letter Examples

In the below links are a couple of great objection letter examples that you can use as inspiration for your own responses to this unwanted and unneeded development. It’s so important that as many people as possible object to this.

Help Save West of Ifield


Save West of Ifield is a group fighting to raise awareness and to try and stop this. We are now at the stage where we need to bring in experts to help us to put the most effective evidence and arguments together.

This will be hugely expensive; therefore, we are asking for your help.

We would be so grateful if you could donate whatever you can.

Bank details:
Account name: Save West Of Ifield

Account number: 55426514

Sort code: 53-50-39

group shot.jpg

Protesters outside Horsham District Council on Wednesday 28 July

Thank you to all who are standing with with us to help save West of Ifield.

Find out more about future events and protests, please join the Save West of Ifield Facebook group.